Saturday, December 17, 2011


That is what I see this season as-hope. I am trying to leave things in God's hands as I wait, hopeful, that things will change in my husband's heart and things will go back to the ways they were. But then something will happen that makes it all go back downhill again-but not lately. So I remain the spirit of the season that I hold so dear, that things will return to their rightful destiny for our little family. I will be joining my husband's family next Sunday as people all around the world celebrate, but without my husband. I don't know what I will say before I go, or when, but I do know that the boys and I are going. I might not go bearing gifts, but only with an extremely grateful heart that I can be with these people who have taught me the meaning of family and what it means to give to one another and support one another. And I will praise God all the way there and all the way back, that next year, my husband will be by my side, joining me and the family in all the season was meant to be...

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